How To Make a Simple Song

HOw To Make Song

Inspiration and Concept: 

  • Start with an idea or inspiration. It could be a personal experience, emotion, or a story you want to tell.
  • Decide on the mood or theme of the song.


  • Write the lyrics. Focus on expressing your theme or story in a way that  
  • resonates with your audience. Consider the song structure: verses, choruses, bridges, etc. Many popular songs follow a verse-chorus-verse-chorus-bridge-chorus structure.



Create a melody that complements your lyrics. Experiment with different musical ideas on an instrument or use your voice.

Pay attention to the rhythm and flow of the melody.

Chords and Harmony:

  • Choose chords that fit well with your melody and enhance the emotional impact of your song.
  • Experiment with chord progressions to find the right balance between tension and resolution.

Visite this Theory:


  • Decide on the arrangement of different sections (verse, chorus, bridge) in your song.
  • Consider dynamics, instrumentation, and how the arrangement supports the emotional journey of the song.

Instrumentation and Production:

  • Choose the instruments that best suit your song. This could include drums, bass, guitar, keyboards, and more.
  • Experiment with production elements like effects, EQ, and reverb to enhance the sound.

  • Record your vocals and instrumentals. This can be done in a studio or at home using recording software.
  • Pay attention to the quality of the recording and consider multiple takes to get the best performance.

Music Making Software:

  1. Ableton Live:

    • A versatile and popular choice for electronic music production. It's known for its session view, which allows for intuitive live performance.
  2. FL Studio:

    • A user-friendly DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) with a strong focus on electronic music. It features a pattern-based sequencer and excellent built-in instruments.
  3. Logic Pro X:

    • A professional-grade DAW for Mac users, offering a wide range of virtual instruments, audio effects, and advanced features.
  4. Pro Tools:

    • Widely used in professional studios, Pro Tools is known for its powerful recording, editing, and mixing capabilities.
  5. Cubase:

    • A comprehensive DAW that caters to various genres, providing advanced MIDI capabilities and a range of virtual instruments.
  6. Studio One:

    • A modern DAW with a user-friendly interface and powerful features for music production, recording, and mixing.
  7. Reason:

    • Known for its virtual rack setup, Reason offers a unique approach to music production, allowing users to visually connect virtual devices.
  8. Bitwig Studio:

    • A relatively newer DAW that combines traditional linear sequencing with a clip-based performance environment.


  • Mix the individual tracks to create a balanced and polished sound. Adjust volumes, pan positions, and add effects as needed.
  • Ensure that each instrument and element can be heard clearly in the mix.

Mastering Software:

  1. iZotope Ozone:

    • A comprehensive mastering suite with modules for EQ, dynamics, saturation, and more. It's widely used in professional mastering studios.
  2. Waves Abbey Road TG Mastering Chain:

    • This plugin emulates the mastering chain used at Abbey Road Studios, offering a classic analog sound.
  3. LANDR:

    • An AI-driven online mastering service that can quickly master your tracks based on genre and preferences.
  4. FabFilter Pro-L 2:

    • A popular and transparent limiter used for maximizing loudness during mastering.
  5. T-RackS:

    • A suite of analog-modeled mastering plugins, providing a range of tools for EQ, compression, and more.
  6. Mastering The Mix - LEVELS:

    • A plugin that helps you ensure your mix and master meet certain technical standards for streaming and distribution.
  7. Sonnox Oxford Dynamics:

    • A high-quality dynamics processor often used in mastering for transparent compression and limiting.


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